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Corporate Overview

Our History

The WDMH Foundation was incorporated on December 23, 1993. Reduced government funding resulted in the need for additional, continuous community support. A Foundation was necessary to raise funds for capital equipment and capital projects. Thirty years later, many people are surprised that the provincial government does not fund everything that our hospital needs to provide compassionate, excellent health care, close to home - including the purchase of medical equipment.

Local communities including individuals, businesses, farms, service clubs, and other groups/organizations have been supporting the WDMH Foundation since 1993. Because of our donors, we have been able to disburse over $25 Million to WDMH since its incorporation. WDMH would not be what it is today without donor support.

Corporate Membership

The WDMH Foundation encourages donor participation through corporate membership. We are a registered charity and corporate members are crucial to our existence. Without them, the WDMH Foundation could not do business. This means we could not fundraise or disburse money to WDMH and we could not issue official income tax receipts.

Each year, individuals from local communities become members of the corporation by joining or renewing their membership. The fee to join is only $10 per year. Corporate members elect our Board of Directors; approve our audited financial statements; appoint our auditors; approve our bylaws, and approve the price of the corporate membership dues. The time commitment for a corporate member is generally less than three hours per year. (Please note that a corporate member is not the same as a board member.) The WDMH Foundation holds its Annual General Meeting each June.

To become a member of the WDMH Foundation Corporation, please download the Corporate Membership Application Form or stop by the Foundation Office to sign up.


The WDMH Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, comprised of community members who are elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Foundation has a small professional staff, supported by a team of volunteers.

The Foundation is an open, transparent, and accountable body that serves as a bridge between the community and WDMH by informing the public of the hospital’s capital needs and working with donors to raise much-needed funds.

Charitable Number

The WDMH Foundation is a registered Canadian charity. Our charitable registration number is 89282 4368 RR0001.