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Fundraise for WDMH

logoWhen people think about fundraising, fundraising events are likely one of the first things that come to mind. Many individuals and groups take it upon themselves to hold fundraising events to benefit WDMH after they are touched by the care they or a loved one receive at WDMH. Others are simply passionate about local health care and want to support it.

The team at the Foundation is quite small, so fundraising on our behalf is very much appreciated. These events - commonly referred to as Community Hosted Events - contribute significantly to helping to fund medical equipment or support the Foundation’s Cancer Care or Family Birthing Unit Funds. All gifts from community hosted events matter and make an impact to care at WDMH.

Over the years, we’ve benefited from garage sales, bake sales, golf tournaments, craft sales, duck races, and many, many things in between. Some events happen only once, and others have been taking place for more than 20 years!

How To Get Started

Planning an event for the first time might be a bit overwhelming, but don’t worry – we are here to support you. Whatever you do, the WDMH Foundation can help you to make the most of your fundraising efforts.

Ready to get started? Take the first step and use some of the resources we've developed to help you:

Have you met Dunwin?

Dunwin is the newest member of the WDMH Foundation team and Dunwin likes to be out and about in the community. Don't forget to ask if Dunwin can come to your event too!


Let's Chat!

We'd love to chat with you about your ideas. If you or someone you know is interested in holding an event in support of our hospital, please contact Justine Plummer at 613-774-2422 ext. 6172.