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Compliments and Concerns

We want to ensure you have the best patient experience possible.

If you are a patient at the hospital, please contact the Nurse Manager on your unit to discuss the care you are receiving.

Keeping our patients safe is a top priority at WDMH. If you experience an incident or unsafe condition, please report it to your care provider. They will ensure that it is reported in our Risk and Incident Management System for investigation and correction. If you are involved in an incident or unsafe condition, we will ensure that you are notified and included in any required follow-up.

We welcome your feedback. While at the hospital, patients may be invited to participate in an online patient experience survey.
Only patients who have given consent to receive the survey and who have provided their email address during registration will receive an email inviting them to complete the survey. Your feedback helps us to continually improve the care we provide to our local communities every day. Thanks for your input!

To share a compliment or raise a concern:

  • Call the CEO’s office at 613-774-2420 ext. 6350
  • Email info@wdmh.on.ca
  • Mail your comments to:

Office of the CEO
566 Louise Street
Winchester, Ontario
K0C 2K0 

If you feel your complaint is not resolved, you may also contact Ontario's Patient Ombudsman's office at 1-888-321-0339. For more information, visit patientombudsman or download a brochure.

We are continually improving to provide the best patient experience. Thank you for your input.