We are pleased to provide updates to the Dundas Manor website to ensure compliance with the new Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA) and its general regulation. This new framework is in force on April 11, 2022, with built-in transition time to comply with certain components.
272. (1) Every licensee of a long-term care home shall ensure that they have a website that is open to the public and includes at a minimum,
(a) the physical address of the long-term care home.
(b) the approximate number of licensed beds at the home.
(c) direct contact information, including a telephone number and email address that are monitored regularly for,
(i) the licensee or a senior officer of the licensee or, in the case of a municipal home or a First Nations home approved under Part IX of the Act, a person who is on the committee of management,
(ii) the Administrator,
(iii) the Director of Nursing and Personal Care, and
(iv) all Infection Prevention and Control leads for the home.
(d) the Ministry’s toll-free telephone number for making complaints about homes.
(e) the current annual report required under subsection 168 (1);
(f) the current version of the emergency plans for the home as provided for in section 269; and
(g) the current version of the visitor policy made under section 268.