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Nursing and Personal Care

The Director of Care (who is also a Registered Nurse) is responsible for the overall management of the nursing department. Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses are onsite 24 hours a day. Dundas Manor also has a Nurse Practitioner on-site three days a week to provide primary care to our residents.

Registered staff administers medications and treatments as ordered. On-call physicians are also available. 

Personal Support Workers (PSW) are also onsite 24 hours a day to assist residents with personal care and promote independence. The Associate Director of Care and RN Resident & Family Care Coordinator are available to support the nursing team. 

Our Medical Director is Dr. Francis LeBrun who visits the home regularly and provides emergency coverage. We have about a dozen doctors who routinely visit Dundas Manor and also practice at Winchester District Memorial Hospital. Referrals and specialists are made at the discretion of the Medical Director or upon request of the resident or attending physician. If you have been previously seen by a specialist, please notify the nurse when you are admitted to ensure we can obtain the reports and contact information from the specialist.

A resident or the resident’s substitute decision-maker may retain a physician or registered nurse in the extended class to perform the following services:

  1. a physical examination of the resident upon admission and an annual physical examination thereafter, and to produce a written report of the findings of the examination;
  2. attend regularly at the Home to provide services, including assessments; and
  3. participate in the provision of after-hours coverage and on-call coverage.