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Moving to Dundas Manor

We look forward to welcoming you to Dundas Manor. The day of admission will be filled with questions, consents and tasks, so please be prepared to stay for a few hours.

Creating a Plan of Care

You will work with staff to begin developing your plan of care. It is helpful to prepare a list of the care you have received in the past and what was helpful and not helpful. This is the beginning of a "Care Plan" - the guide that tells our staff what kind of wants and needs you have and what kind of assistance and services you may require. It is important that you become a partner in your (and/or your loved one’s) care. Be prepared to explain your likes and dislikes to the staff including foods, social activities and clothing. Please provide all information regarding your health status and care requirements.

Six weeks after admission, a care conference will be held with all departments, family and the resident to discuss progress, needs and expectations. Care conferences will be held annually and as needed. Residents (as able) and families will be called to confirm the date and time of the Annual Care Conference.

Personalizing Your Room

Although Dundas Manor does provide a bed, closet and chair for each resident, you may also want to bring a favourite chair or other article(s) provided there is enough space in your room. Other suggested items may include: television, radio, clock, pictures, clothing for all seasons, cosmetics, comforters, toiletries, costume jewelry, etc. We encourage family and/or friends to bring in the above listed items if able to provide a "home­like" feel. All electrical items and appliances must be CSA approved and checked by the Maintenance Supervisor. Televisions are mounted on the wall and the size of the TV will be reviewed with the maintenance supervisor.


Please ensure that all clothing is machine washable. All items will be labeled by staff when you arrive. On admission (and ongoing), all clothes will be inventoried on a Personal Inventory/Clothing Form by family members. Please include seasonal-appropriate outdoor clothing (e.g. hat, coat, gloves, and boots).

Suggestions for Residents

  • 1 housecoat
  • 1 pair of shoes
  • 1 pair of slippers
  • 5 pairs of pajamas
  • 7 undershirts, changes of underpants, trousers and/or jogging suits and shirts
  • 10 pairs of socks
  • Belt and/or suspenders
  • Minimum of 2 sweaters
  • 1 hairbrush and comb
  • 1 housecoat
  • 1 pair of slippers
  • 1 pair of shoes
  • 10 pairs of socks
  • 5 nightgowns
  • 6 outfits (e.g. dresses and/or slacks and/or jogging suits)
  • 7 changes of bras and/or undergarments
  • 1 hairbrush and comb

Additional Recommendations and Information

Shoes - Running shoes with Velcro closure are recommended, with sturdy support and a non-slip sole.

Glasses and Dentures – These items will be labeled on admission day.

When bringing in clothing other than on admission day, please bring clothing to the front office to be labeled prior to being placed in the resident’s closet.

Due to lack of space and storage, we ask that you transition seasonal clothing in and out of the home.

Power of Attorney

Upon admission, residents must provide a copy of any legal Power of Attorney (POA) documentation. Any changes to the documentation and or contact information (phone numbers, email address, mailing address) must be provided to staff as soon as possible to ensure effective communication.