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Admission Process

There are six steps in the admission process to a long-term care home:

1. Discussing your options and the long-term care application process

Connect with the Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) Home and Community Care to discuss your options with a Care Coordinator. If you decide that living at home is no longer possible and all other options have been exhausted, your Care Coordinator will give you information on applying to long-term care. The Care Coordinator will ensure that you and your family or caregiver have the necessary resources for this important decision. Call 310.2222 or toll-free 1.800.538.0520.

2. Determining your eligibility

Once you have determined that long-term care is right for you, your Home and Community Care Coordinator will work with you to complete an application. The application process includes your Care Coordinator completing a home assessment. In addition, you will need to have a Health Assessment Form (HAF) completed by your family doctor, nurse practitioner, or a Registered Nurse (RN). If it is decided that you are eligible for long-term care, your Care Coordinator will assist you in choosing which homes to apply to while your application is being finalized. If it is determined that your care needs do not fit a long-term care home, your Care Coordinator will help to connect you with the appropriate care in an appropriate setting. If you feel this is the wrong decision, you can appeal to the Health Services Appeal and Review Board. To reach the Board, call 416.327.8512.

3. Choosing your home

Applicants can apply to a maximum of five homes. There are a number of factors to consider when choosing which homes to apply to. Your Care Coordinator can help you with this decision. It is strongly recommended that you make an appointment to visit each home that you are interested in. This is the best way to get a feel for the home's environment and learn about their staff and services.

You can also learn more about each home at the Champlain Healthline website, where you can take virtual tours. In addition, access public reporting on long-term care homes. When applying, you will be asked which type of bed you want to apply to - basic, semi­ private or private.


4. Waiting to hear if you have been accepted

Once your Care Coordinator has determined your eligibility for long-term care and you have chosen your desired homes, your application is sent to each home for review. Each home will respond to both you and the Champlain LHIN Home and Community Care regarding whether or not you have been accepted. If you are not accepted, a reason will be provided and your Care Coordinator will discuss alternative options with you.

5. Waiting for a bed

After being accepted to a long-term care home, you must wait for a bed to become available. The wait time depends on the number of beds available, the type of bed you've applied for, and the number of people on the wait list. Waiting periods range from days, months, or even longer depending on your care needs and the type of accommodation you are waiting for. You should take this into consideration when deciding which homes to apply to. Please ensure that the Home and Community Care staff have the most up-to-date information on how to reach you should a bed become available.

6. Responding to a bed offer if a bed becomes available

Home and Community Care staff will contact you to either accept or reject the offer. You have 24 hours to respond after receiving the call.

  • Accepting the offer: If you choose to accept the offer, you are expected to move into the home within five days or you will lose your place. If the bed that is offered to you and is not your first choice, you may move into this offered bed, but choose to keep your name on the waiting lists for your other choice(s).
  • Rejecting the offer: If you are waiting for long-term care in a particular community and refuse the offer, your application to all chosen homes will be cancelled. In this case, you cannot re-apply for 12 weeks (three months), unless there is a significant change in your condition or circumstance.

If you have particular questions about Dundas Manor, please feel free to contact Susan Poirier, Administrator at 613.774.2293, ext. 228.