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Medical Services

Health Care Professionals and Resources

Dundas Manor works with many local health care providers and resources to provide care for our residents. Some services are covered and some are available at an additional cost. Services include:

  • Chiropodist
  • Dentist
  • Eye Clinic
  • Hearing Aids
  • Lab
  • Medications
  • Physiotherapy
  • Transportation

If you have any questions about these services, please speak with your nurse.


Medisystem Pharmacy provides all of the medications administered at Dundas Manor. Drugs not covered under the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s Drugs Formulary are charged to the resident.


Dundas Manor offers one-on-one physiotherapy services for our residents. This model is funded by the provincial government. Residents qualify for ongoing physiotherapy if a regulated health professional determines that the resident is in need. The resident is assessed by a Registered Physiotherapist who determines the treatment plan and provides supervision of the services.

At Dundas Manor, we have a physiotherapist onsite 12 hours each week and physiotherapy assistants onsite 40 hours each week. If a resident does not quality for one-on-one services, they are still eligible for the exercise classes. These classes are open to all residents and are provided by our Activity Team as well as Physiotherapy Assistants.