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Volunteer at Dundas Manor

Volunteering provides an opportunity to give back, while developing new skills and friendships at the same time. Thank you for your interest in Dundas Manor!

Our volunteers are an essential part of the Dundas Manor care team. They are a group of dynamic individuals who give their time and talent and are dedicated to improving the quality of life of our residents in a variety of ways.

Some of the activities include:

  • Programs
  • Church services
  • Outings
  • Quilting
  • Fundraising
  • Mail delivery
  • Friendly visiting
  • Music
  • Gardening
  • Pet visits
  • Feeding

We want our volunteers to help when they want to, where they want to and with the support of our activity team. Our volunteers are valued and appreciated!

To learn more about volunteering at Dundas Manor, please contact Jennifer Hill, Activity Program and Services Director at 613-774-2293 ext. 227 or jennifer.hill@dundasmanor.ca