Board Recruitment

The WDMH Board is responsible for the oversight and accountability for the hospital’s mission, vision and values; quality and performance monitoring; strategic planning; financial stewardship; and relationships with internal and external stakeholders. Board members have a passion for health care and good governance practices, and an understanding of their local communities.

Application Process

To apply to become a member of the WDMH Board of Directors, you must complete the application form below and submit it, with a copy of your current resume.

via e-mail: schase@wdmh.on.ca
via mail: 566 Louise Street, Winchester, ON, K0C 2K0 Attn: Sheila Chase

Click here to access the Application for Membership

If you have any questions about getting involved with the Board, please email Sheila Chase or call 613-774-2422, ext. 6350.

Selection Process

Subject to Article 4, Subsection 4.1 of the WDMH Bylaws, nominations for elections as Director at the annual meeting of the Corporation may be made only by the Nominating Committee of the Board. Members may submit nominees for Director to the Nominating Committee for consideration, provided that each such nomination:

  1. is in writing and signed by at least two members in good standing;
  2. is accompanied by:
    1. a written declaration signed by the nominee that he will serve as a Director in accordance with this By-law if elected, and
    2. where the nominee is not currently a Director, a one-page summary of the nominee’s qualifications;
  3. is submitted to and received by the Secretary at least twenty-one (21) calendar days before the date of the annual meeting. The Nominating Committee shall consider the Member’s nominees and present the nominees that the Nominating Committee believes are appropriate to the Members at the Member’s meeting.

Thank you for your interest.