Keeping Our Patients Safe

Preventing Falls

Falls are a major cause of injury in hospitals every year. If a patient is identified as being high risk, certain strategies are put in place. Please help us by:

  • Using the call bell to ring for assistance to get out of bed.
  • Wearing non-slip footwear or slippers.
  • Ensuring that your night clothes are not too long.
  • Wearing your eyeglasses and/or hearing aids when awake.
  • Using only a walker or cane for support. Do not lean on the bedside table, intravenous (IV) pole or other items to steady yourself.

Preventing Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)

VTE is a condition in which a blood clot develops in the deep veins of the body. Every patient is assessed for VTE, and those at risk receive special treatment and medication. Tell your healthcare team if you have a history of blood clots or other risk factors – or if you notice swelling, redness, or pain in an extremity.


Delirium is when a person suddenly gets really confused when they are sick. They may not be able to think clearly, follow a conversation, or remember things. If you think your family member has delirium, please let the doctor or nurse know. Learn more about delirium.

Medication Reconciliation

Please bring all your medications to the hospital. Upon admission and again upon discharge, the health care team will review your medications with you. This will help create an accurate list of all medications you are taking. It will also help to reduce medication errors or adverse reactions between medications.

Purposeful Rounding

At WDMH, our health care team does something called “purposeful rounding.”

Purposeful rounding is a proactive approach to address each patient's needs on a regular basis. It is a way for nurses to check on their patients on a consistent, scheduled basis using a formal checklist. The goal is to promote optimal outcomes in a clean, comfortable, and safe environment.

We use 5 Ps to help nurses remember the checklist of items to be addressed at each bedside round:

  1. PAIN- Ask if the patient has any discomfort or pain
  2. POSITION - Assess/Ask if the patient is comfortable or requires a change in position
  3. POTTY/ TOILETING NEEDS - Ask if the patient needs to be toileted or assisted
  4. PERSONAL POSSESSIONS - Ensure items are within reach (for example the call bell, facial tissues, a book, or the TV remote)
  5. PROMISE TO RETURN – Tell the patient we will be back in two hours to do purposeful rounding again.

Purposeful rounding has gained acceptance because of its clinical benefits, patient outcomes, staff and patient satisfaction, and healthcare cost savings. Cited examples of specific benefits include: decreasing the incidence of falls and fall-related injuries, decreased call light/ bell usage, and increased patient and family satisfaction.

For more information, please speak with your health care provider.

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