strategic plan identifies research as a strategic priority. We want to
make evidence-informed decisions, always asking ‘why’ and ‘how can we do
this better’. Then we want to apply the knowledge that we gain for
better patient care.
We have the opportunity to
encourage established researchers to include the rural environment and
related factors in their research projects. Our focus is on increasing
participation, awareness and knowledge about the research process by
being part of existing research teams and projects.
impacts healthcare delivery. In particular, research at WDMH benefits
rural healthcare delivery for our local communities.
Please take this opportunity to explore our website and see what research at WDMH is all about!
To learn more about WDMH Research or to get involved, please contact:
Dr. Mohamed Gazarin
Chief Research Officer
613-774-2422 ext. 6226
Questions for the Research Ethics Board should be directed to
It`s not just the outcomes that will make research rewarding.
The research process itself - the process of exploring the unknown and discovering
answers to previously unanswered questions - can be exciting.
- Kathryn Jacobsen