
Small Seeds Improve Care for Breast Cancer Patients

March 27, 2025

A tiny magnetic seed is making things more comfortable for women with breast cancer - and easier for the surgeons who are caring for them at Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH).

WDMH has introduced a new program to help identify the location of a breast cancer tumour. The seeds – called MOLLI™ seeds – are the size of a grain of rice. They are injected directly into the tumour, making it easier for the surgeon to find and fully remove the cancer.

Janie Desroches, Vice President of Clinical Services at WDMH notes the new program benefits both patients and providers: “In the past, patients requiring this type of procedure were required to have a wire marker implanted on the day of surgery, which was both stressful and uncomfortable for the patient. The new procedure takes about five minutes and can happen days or weeks before surgery, resulting in a better patient-centred experience that is also more efficient for the health care team.”

“We are delighted that Winchester Hospital has moved forward with the Molli seed breast cancer localization program. It is a non-invasive breast imaging method of accurately localizing breast cancers that are too small to feel, and which is much better tolerated by the patients than the previous method,” explains Radiologist Dr. Jean Seely who is the Regional Breast Imaging Lead for the Ontario Breast Screening Program. “This is a big step forward for WDMH’s breast surgery program.”