For all emergencies, dial 911.
You may also contact Health 811 for confidential telephone advice or general health information from a Registered Nurse. This is a service of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Call 811 or chat online at https://health811.ontario.ca/. There is also a toll-free TTY line: 1-866-797-0007. For full details, visit https://healthconnectontario.health.gov.on.ca/static/guest/home
The WDMH Emergency Department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Every ER patient is assessed by a Registered Nurse who is trained to triage or prioritize each patient’s problem on a scale of one to five - one is the most urgent and five is non-urgent. The nurse will ask you about your medications and any allergies you may have. Patients that are classified as one go straight into the Emergency Department for a more thorough examination. Others may be asked to sit in the waiting room until their name is called. Patients arriving by ambulance are treated the exact same way.
While we try to estimate how long you will have to wait, this time may change if patients with more urgent needs arrive. Sometimes it seems like others who arrived later are being treated before you, but it is only because their needs are greater.
- courtesy of Dr. Mike Evans and Reframe Health Lab
Please note that Emergency Department staff members do not give medical advice over the phone but will answer any questions about a recent visit.
We appreciate your patience. Please speak to the triage nurse if you have any questions or if you feel your condition has become worse.
And please remember: We all do better when everyone is kind and respectful. Let’s keep the Emergency Department friendly. We are here for you and working hard to care for you. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
For more information on Emergency Department wait times across Ontario, please visit the Ministry of Health website.
NEW! Retired healthcare professionals support patients and families in the ED waiting room. Read more about this new program. For details, email Debra McLean at dmclean@wdmh.on.ca.
Parking is available onsite for $5 per visit.