Palliative Care

Palliative Care

Palliative care is an approach to care that focuses on comfort and quality of life for those whose disease cannot be cured. Its goal is much more than comfort in dying; palliative care is about living, through meticulous attention to control pain and other symptoms, supporting emotional, spiritual, and cultural needs, and maximizing functional status. Palliative care does not hasten or delay death. Palliative care is not a physical location but a philosophy of care at the end of life.

At WDMH, our healthcare team is focused on patient-centred care, ensuring that our patients and their families are well supported throughout the course of their illness. We are committed to maximizing patients’ quality of life and minimizing symptom burden.

WDMH also works closely with Dundas County Hospice.

For more information, contact Nathalie Boudreau, Vice President, Clinical Services at 613-774-2422 ext. 6352.