Seniors' Care

Seniors’ Care

Seniors are the fastest-growing population and the greatest consumers of health care services in Ontario. Coming to the hospital for any reason can become a pivotal event in a senior's life. Seniors can face, or be at risk for, adverse events, surgical complications, loss of independence, increased lengths of stay or re-admissions, infections, or delirium.

At WDMH, we are committed to providing excellent care for the elderly throughout the hospital. To support this goal, we have developed a senior-friendly care plan.

Geriatric Clinic

Dr. Genevieve Casety is a Geriatrician who provides a monthly Geriatric Clinic for local patients. The clinic is coordinated through Home and Community Support Services Champlain. Patients need a referral from their family physician. 

Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario

WDMH is a member of the Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario. This network encourages the development of specialized geriatric services throughout the region, promotes best practices, and supports collaboration among health care providers. The goal is better outcomes for frail seniors. The network links primary care physicians, hospitals, community health professionals, and others.

To learn more about WDMH's specialized geriatric clinics, please call 613-774-2422 ext. 6318.