Diagnostic Imaging

WDMH has a full-service diagnostic imaging department.

WDMH has introduced PocketHealth. Patients can now access medical imaging and reports online for free.

Bone Mineral Density

A Bone Mineral Density (BMD) exam uses a low dose of x-ray to measure the amount of mineral in the bones of your lower back, hip and sometimes forearm. You will begin by filling out a questionnaire and having your height and weight measured. This test involves lying on a table for several minutes while a small x-ray detector scans your spine, hip or forearm. You may be asked to lift your legs onto a support to straighten your back for the test or internally rotate your legs to provide a larger surface area for your hip measurement. The exam will take approximately 15 minutes.

All requisitions are protocolled by a technologist before an appointment is made. Your physician will fax a requisition to the Diagnostic Imaging department and an appointment time will be provided to you by our booking unit clerk.

For booking inquiries, call 613-774-2420 ext. 6244
Fax requisitions to 613-774-5385

Attending the Exam
On the day of your exam, please arrive at the Diagnostic Imaging department 15 minutes before your appointment time. Try and avoid wearing any clothing that has zippers, buttons, glitter or metallic design.

Computerized Tomography (CT Scan)

WDMH has a Toshiba CXL 128 Slice CT machine. CT is a study that produces a series of images of specific parts of the body. During the scan, the x-ray tube moves around the body part being studied, as the table moves the patient through the scanner. The images are generated using technical factors that use the lowest radiation dose possible to acquire high quality diagnostic images.

All CT exams are performed by Medical Radiation Technologists with specialty training in CT. All CT requisitions must be triaged by a Radiologist or Technologist before an appointment is made. Your physician will send a CT requisition to the Diagnostic Imaging department and an appointment time will be provided to you by our booking unit clerk.

For booking inquires for CT, call 613-774-2420 ext. 6249
Fax requisitions to 613-774-5385

Attending the Exam
On the day of your exam please arrive at the Diagnostic Imaging department 15 minutes before your appointment time.

Preparing for the Exam
Neuroradiological exams: CT of head, spine, angiography of head or neck—no preparation

Musculoskeletal exams: CT of extremities—no preparation

Thoracic exams: CT of chest including high resolution CT for interstitial lung disease, pulmonary emboli and routine chest—no preparation--- if patient is scheduled for a combination chest/abdomen and /or pelvis see prep below.

Abdomen and Pelvis exam: nothing to eat for 4 hours prior to the scan but may have clear fluids and take all medications. Patients may be required to drink several cups of oral contrast for approximately 90 minutes before the scan. Patients who have had a barium study (barium enema, G series, GI follow-through) must wait two weeks before a CT of the abdomen and/or pelvis can be done.

Colonography exams: a special preparation needs to be taken the day before this exam. Selected pharmacies will be provided with instructions for patients who are scheduled to undergo this exam. Further preparation will be started once the patient arrives at the hospital. Patients should anticipate a 2 to 2 ½ hour exam time.


Fluoroscopy allows imaging of anatomical structures in real-time and allows the interpreting Radiologist to observe structure and limited function.

All requisitions are protocolled by a Radiologist or Technologist before an appointment is made. Your physician will send a requisition to the Diagnostic Imaging department and an appointment time will be provided to you by our booking unit clerk.

For booking inquiries, please call 613-774-2420 ext. 6244
Fax requisitions to 613-774-5385

Upper GI series/ Barium Swallow; An upper gastrointestinal series (UGI) is a radiographic (x-ray) examination of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The esophagus, stomach, and duodenum (first part of the small intestine) are made visible on x-Ray film by a liquid suspension. This liquid suspension may be barium or a water-soluble contrast.
Hip/ Shoulder injections under fluoroscopy guidance; A hip or shoulder injection is a shot of medicine (usually a steroid) into the affected joint under fluoroscopy guidance performed by a Radiologist.

Attending the Exam
On the day of your exam please arrive at the Diagnostic Imaging department 15 minutes before your appointment time.

Preparing for the Exam
You may take any medication with a small amount of water
Upper GI series/ Barium Swallow: nothing to eat or drink after midnight
Hip/ Shoulder injections under fluoroscopy guidance: should attend the appointment with a driver and bring steroid with you.

General X-ray

An x-ray (radiograph) is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. Imaging with x-rays involves exposing a part of the body to a small dose of ionizing radiation to produce pictures of the inside of the body. X-rays are the oldest and most frequently used form of medical imaging.

How to Book an X-ray Exam
There are two ways to book most general X-ray exams:

  1. Call the Diagnostic Booking office at 613-774-2420 ext. 6241 between 8 am and 4 pm
  2. Your physician's office can book the exam for you

Attending the Exam
Please arrive at the Diagnostic Imaging department 15 minutes before the exam. You must bring your health care card and the requisition with you. Due to government legislation, X-ray examinations cannot be performed without a signed requisition from the physician or nurse practitioner.

During your Exam
You may be required to change into a hospital gown for your exam to ensure that no metal objects interfere with your diagnostic images. Please do not bring any valuables with you to the imaging department. If there is a chance that you might be pregnant, please tell the technologist before your exam.

After your Exam
There are no restrictions or post exam conditions for most general X-ray exams. Your diagnostic images will be sent to our PACS (picture archiving and communication) system for reporting by a Radiologist and an official report will be sent to the ordering physician. If you require follow up care with a specialist, you may be required to pick up a CD of your diagnostic exam. Your physician should fax a release 24 hours prior to pick up to 613-774-5385.


WDMH is a digital CAR accredited mammography site. We perform OBSP self-referral screening mammography on Tuesday and Friday. Physician referred screening and diagnostic mammograms are performed on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

A mammogram is an x-ray picture of the breast. Mammograms can be used to check for breast cancer in women who have no signs or symptoms of the disease. This type of mammogram is called a screening mammogram. Screening mammograms usually involve two x-ray pictures, or images, of each breast.

Diagnostic mammography is used to evaluate a patient with abnormal clinical findings—such as a breast lump, nipple discharge or new pain—that have been found by the woman or her doctor. Diagnostic mammography may also be done after an abnormal screening mammogram in order to evaluate the area of concern on the screening exam. Diagnostic mammography is often booked with a breast ultrasound to exclude any evidence of cancer

For booking inquiries, please call 613-774-2420 ext. 6244 Fax requisitions to 613-774-5385

Ontario Breast Screening Program

The Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) is a province-wide, organized breast screening program that provides high-quality breast cancer screening. You do not require a requisition from your physician but must between the ages of 50-74 with no prior breast cancer. Please contact 613-774-2420 ext .6260 for a OBSP booking if you have not had a mammogram in the last year. Learn more about the Ontario Breast Screening Program. Attending the Exam On the day of your exam please arrive at the Diagnostic Imaging Department office 15 minutes before your appointment time. Preparing for the Exam Do not wear deodorant, talcum powder or lotion under your arms or on your breasts on the day of the exam. These can appear on the mammogram as calcium spots.

Breast Assessment WDMH’s Breast Care Program assists the patient through further imaging and/or biopsy if needed after screening or diagnostic mammogram. The technologist will contact the patient and keep their physician informed when further imaging is required.


WDMH has three general ultrasound units. Unlike x-ray exams which use ionizing radiation to create images, ultrasound uses sound waves to generate images of organs for diagnostic purposes. All requisitionsare be triaged by a Radiologist or Technologist before an appointment is made. Your physician will send a requitisiton to the Diagnostic Imaging Department and an appointment time will be provided to you or your physician by our booking unit clerk.

For booking inquires, call 613-774-2420 ext. 6244
Fax requisitions 613-774-5385

Attending the Exam
On the day of your exam please arrive at the Diagnostic Imaging Department office 15 minutes before your appointment time.

Preparing for the Exam
You may take any medication with a small amount of water.

Abdominal Ultrasound: This is a fasting exam. For morning exams, do not eat or drink after midnight. For afternoon exams, eat a fat-free breakfast six hours prior to your exam time and then have nothing to eat or drink until the exam.

Pelvic and Transvaginal Ultrasound: Your bladder must be full for this exam. Empty your bladder and then drink three to four glasses of water, 1.5 hours before your exam time. Do not empty your bladder.

Combined Abdominal and Pelvic Ultrasound: This is a fasting exam. For morning exams, do not eat or drink after midnight. Follow the instructions for a pelvic exam. For afternoon exams, eat a fat-free breakfast six hours prior to your exam time and then have nothing to eat or drink until the exam. Follow the instructions for a pelvic exam.

Pregnancy Ultrasound: First and second trimester (between 0 -20 weeks) exams require a full bladder. Please drink three to four glasses of water, 1.5 hours before your exam and do not empty your bladder. Third trimester (greater than 20 weeks) exams do not require a full bladder.

Vascular Ultrasound: This category of ultrasound exams includes carotid and doppler studies. No special preparations required for these exams.

Soft Tissue Ultrasound: This category of ultrasound exams includes thyroid, breast, scrotal and any superfical lumps. No special preparations are required for these exams.

Pediatric Ultrasound >5 years of age:
Abdominal Ultrasound: Fast for six hours prior to exam.
Pelvic Ultrasound: Finish drinking two to three 8oz glasses of liquid 30 minutes before exam without voiding.