WDMH has a group of midwives on staff who are part of the Gentle Beginning Midwifery Clinic located in Winchester, Embrun, Ottawa South and Cornwall. Midwives care for low-risk pregnancies. You will meet at least two midwives during your pregnancy and they will provide your primary care throughout your pregnancy, labour and birth.
Email: gbmidwifery@cogeco.net
462 Main St. E., PO Box 505
Winchester, ON K0C 2K0
Phone: 613-774-3131
Fax: 613-774-7051
1101 Notre Dame St.
Embrun, ON
Phone: 613-443-0335
Fax: 613-443-9430
30 – 13th Street East, Unit 7
Cornwall, ON K6H 6V9
Phone: 613-933-3030
Fax: 613-936-2979
7002 Nickerson Way
Greely, ON K4P 1A3
Phone: 613-821-7444
Fax: 613-774-7051