Epidurals are a safe and popular form of anesthesia (i.e., freezing) used during labour. At WDMH, we offer epidurals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are administered by an anaesthesiologist and monitored by your nurse. The anaesthesiologist will numb the insertion site with a local anaesthetic (this may sting) and then use a hollow needle to find the epidural site. Once he or she has found the right spot, the needle will be removed leaving a thin plastic catheter (i.e., tube) in its place. This catheter will be connected to a pump and will give you a continuous infusion of medication to keep you comfortable through the rest of your labour. In addition, you can give yourself small amounts of extra epidural medication (if needed) by pressing a button. Hence, this called patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA).
Most epidurals work well and provide significant pain relief. At WDMH, we don’t provide “walking epidurals.” If you choose to have an epidural, you will have to remain in bed once it has been inserted. Further details regarding the benefits and risks of epidurals can be obtained from your doctor or midwife or from the hospital at the time of admission.