Welcome to the WDMH Childbirth Program!

We are proud of the care we provide for moms, babies and families at WDMH. We offer a home-like setting that has been recognized for its family-centred care. In fact, we were rated as the top maternity program - by patients and their families.

We recognize that birth is a natural process. We are respectful of individual choices, cultures, and customs. Our goal is to create a setting that provides physical and emotional comfort and promotes learning during this important time.

If you have questions, call us at 613.774.2422 ext. 6860. And if you are coming to WDMH, please call ahead. This allows us to review your care plan and prepare for any special considerations.

Thank you to everyone who has donated items to the Family Birthing Unit. We have had many donations recently and are currently unable to accept any more as we don't have room to store them. If you have items to donate, please consider donating them to the House of Lazarus. The items may be dropped off at 2245 Simms Street in Mountain. For details, visit House of Lazarus .

Thank you!

COVID-19 Update

You have a baby on the way, and that is wonderful – congratulations on this exciting new time in your life. It is a time that is to be celebrated and joyous. We know you probably have concerns given the situation with COVID-19. That is completely understandable, and we are here to help. The safety of our new parents and their babies is our highest priority. We want to ensure that your family is safe and healthy. We also need to keep ourselves healthy so we can care for all of the other families that come in after you. 

Changes to some procedures at WDMH have been made to protect patients and staff from COVID-19. This information may change as COVID-19 recommendations change. 

To ensure you know the latest information, please call Labour and Delivery at 613-774-2420 ext: 6860 before you come to the hospital. If you have any questions related to COVID-19, please discuss them with your care provider.


Current Processes

  • You and your support person should come to the main entrance (between 7 am and 7 pm) or to the Emergency entrance  (between 7 pm and 7 am)
  • At the main entrance, you will self-screen and put on a new mask. You will then go to Emergency to register. Then you will go to Obstetrics. (If there is a rush, you will be screened and sent directly to the Obstetrics.)

COVID-positive Patients

  • If a patient is suspected to have COVID-19 or is confirmed, the support person must not be suspected to have COVID-19 and must wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as a mask. If a procedure is required that requires staff to wear N95 masks, no visitors will be present during the procedure and sometime after the procedure to protect the safety of the support person.
  • You will need to wear a routine barrier mask and perform hand hygiene when feeding or handling baby. Your baby must remain at a physical distance of 2 metres while not breastfeeding and have a healthy support person present to help provide care to the baby for the duration of the stay.
Rest assured. You and your baby are our top priority.


  • Babies born to birth parents who screened negative or have tested negative: 
    • Follow-up with primary care provider, including bili testing. Some clinics may be providing care virtually or over the phone. Contact their primary care provider prior to delivery to receive follow up instructions. 
    • Babies requiring a readmission for hyperbili can be admitted to postpartum as per usual practice, so long as the birth parent continues to screen negative and be asymptomatic.
    • Public Health Nurses will contact birth parents for a telephone assessment (healthy baby healthy children) regarding birth parent and baby approx. one day post-discharge. 
  • Babies born to a parent who is suspected or confirmed COVID-19 positive:
    • Caregivers who are asymptomatic and COVID-19 negative should care for the infant and maintain care in a dedicated area in the home, preferably in a separate room from the birth parent if able. 
    • Birth parent may breastfeed, after performing hand hygiene, washing their chest, and while wearing a mask. 
    • Outpatient procedures (ie: bili) will be arranged by appointment only in a private room. Wear a mask while in hospital. Baby will be sent home after exam/testing if clinically well.