Day of Your Surgery

  • After midnight, the night before your surgery drink clear fluids only up to three hours before your arrival time at the hospital. Do not eat any solid foods.
  • Please remove all jewelry, including body piercings that are on or near the face; and any piercings that are on or near the operative site.
  • WDMH is a scent-free organization. Please do not wear aftershave, cologne, perfume or deodorant.
  • Do not wear cosmetics, make-up, nail polish, or contact lenses.

What to bring to WDMH:

  • Ontario Health Card and any extended health care coverage information that you have
  • An updated list of medications. Your Pharmacy can provide you with this list. You can also bring medications in their original containers, including any inhalers you use. If your medications are in a blister pack, please bring the blister pack. You must follow the instructions given to you at the PAC visit regarding what medications to take.
  • Patient instruction handout
  • Name and telephone number of the responsible adult who will be picking you up after surgery. It is also recommended that you have a responsible adult to remain with you on the first night after your surgery.
  • CPAP machine (if you use one)
  • Any walking aids such as a cane
  • Hearing aids or any other required aids such as eyeglasses

What not to bring to WDMH:

  • Do not bring any valuables with you, including jewellery, money, or tablets.

Arriving at WDMH

  • Report to Patient Registration, located on Level Two (use elevators at the main entrance of the hospital).
  • You can bring your care partner with you. We will ask them to provide a phone number so that we can advise them when you are ready to be picked up.
  • You will be required to change into a hospital gown. Your belongings will be placed in a bag labeled with your name. The bag will be kept under your stretcher.
  • A Registered Nurse will complete your preparation for surgery, including starting an intravenous (IV) and giving you any medication(s) that may have been ordered for you to take before your surgery.
  • Your Anesthesiologist, Surgeon, and Operating Room Registered Nurse will visit you in the Day Surgery Unit or prior to you going to the Operating Room.
  • A Volunteer or Nurse will take you on a stretcher to the Operating Room.

Pre-Op Questionnaire

When you arrive for your surgery, we will complete the Pre-Operative Questionnaire. Please review the questions before your surgery to ensure you can answer them. You will also need to bring an up-to-date list of medications you are on right now. This includes natural medications.

  1. Do you have any shortness of breath, chronic cough or asthma?
  2. Do you have an irregular heartbeat, angina or chest pain?
  3. Do you have a cold, cough or fever?
  4. Have you ever had a reaction or complication to a local or general anesthetic?
  5. Has a member of your family had a complication to a general anesthetic? (Example: Malignant Hyperthermia or MH)
  6. Do you bleed excessively? (Over 30 seconds to stop bleeding)
  7. Do you take a baby aspirin, ASA, Entrophen or any other over-the-counter aspirin product?
  8. Do you have sleep apnea?
  9. Have you ever been told you have MRSA, VRE or C Diff?
  10. Do you have Hep C or any other blood-borne disease?
  11. Do you have diabetes?
  12. Do you have a seizure disorder?
  13. Do you smoke?
  14. Have you taken a drug called cortisone or prednisone in the last year?
  15. List all previous surgeries.

Caution If Your Are Ill:

If you develop a cold or other illness, notify the Surgeon’s office before your operation. This is important for your well-being and the safety of others. There is a risk if you have surgery when you are ill. Should your surgery be delayed, every effort will be made to have you rescheduled as soon as possible.

Visit the Learn More About Your Procedure section for further information